Tribe7 Blackwing lens
TRIBE7 Blackwing7 are a Full Frame modern lens set with vintage-inspired designs. These lenses are not simply rehoused vintage lenses, but rather new designs that draw inspiration from 1950s and 1960s prime lenses. One of the key features of BLACKWING lenses is their unique bokeh, which is widely regarded as beautiful. As a result, it is highly recommended to use these lenses wide open whenever possible to fully utilize their signature bokeh.
The production models of TRIBE7 lenses are available in three different tunings: "S" for "Straight", "T" for "Transient", and "X" for "Expressive". In addition, TRIBE7 offers custom tunings for these lenses. One option is the T-tuned set, known for its balance of performance and character. It has single-layer coatings that give a warmer image and lifted shadows. Another option is the custom-tuned set, which incorporates the same characteristics as the T-tuned lenses, but with slightly enhanced flare character and no lenticular rainbow flare. Lensworks Skilled Technicians can also prepare customized tuning upon advance request.
Full Set T tuned available
20.7mm T1.9 3.2lbs CF: 9” 104mm
23.7mm T1.9 3.2lbs CF: 10" 104mm
27mm T1.9 3.6lbs CF: 1’2” 104mm
37mm T1.9 3.4lbs CF: 1’6” 104mm
47mm T1.9 3.2lbs CF: 1’5.5” 104mm
57mm T1.9 3.5lbs CF: 1’7” 104mm
77mm T1.9 3.0lbs CF: 2’2” 104mm
107mm T1.9 3.2lbs CF: 2’5” 104mm
137mm T2 3.2lbs CF: 3’4” 104mm
Footage Examples (all T-Tuned)
Diesel “Francesca”
Shot on Arri Alexa LF
DP: Matias Boucard
Shot on Sony Venice
DP: Benoît Delhomme
Thom Yorke “Anima”
Shot on Arri Alexa 65
DP: Darius Khondji